There are philosophical issues involved in that about choosing the right discount rate, the value, the future, and things like that which drive it. But its start with the premise that global warming is real and if you're a denier of that fact, then you're not going to find climate change mitigation
Arvid Carlsson, Scientist (1923) |
John Arbuthnot Fisher, Soldier (1841) |
David Ginola, Athlete (1967) |
Andrew P. Harris, Politician (1957) |
Ernie Harwell, Celebrity (1918) |
Etta James, Musician (1938) |
Antonio Carlos Jobim, Musician (1927) |
Rufus Jones, Writer (1863) |
Alicia Keys, Musician (1981) |
Ava Gardner, Actress (1990) |
Philip Johnson, Architect (2005) |
Jonathan Larson, Composer (1996) |