I'm so glad I'm not a dentist. How many times does someone say, 'Oh, Doc, it felt so good when you were drilling my teeth'? Never. But when you give someone a wonderful cookie, you put a little of yourself in, and you see someone's face light up - that's immediate approval.
God is not the mere dead conception to which we have thus given utterance, but he is in himself pure Life.
Arvid Carlsson, Scientist (1923) |
John Arbuthnot Fisher, Soldier (1841) |
David Ginola, Athlete (1967) |
Andrew P. Harris, Politician (1957) |
Ernie Harwell, Celebrity (1918) |
Etta James, Musician (1938) |
Antonio Carlos Jobim, Musician (1927) |
Rufus Jones, Writer (1863) |
Alicia Keys, Musician (1981) |
Ava Gardner, Actress (1990) |
Philip Johnson, Architect (2005) |
Jonathan Larson, Composer (1996) |